Bowral South New Living Area
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In July 2021, Council adopted the Wingecarribee Local Housing Strategy which provides a long-term planning framework to meet the housing needs of the community both now and into the future. The Bowral South New Living Area (NLA) is one of the six (6) new living areas identified under the Local Housing Strategy, to accommodate new dwellings on the south-east of the Bowral township. As there is a housing shortage in the State and the Shire, Council is committed to provide a variety of housing typology which caters to the needs of our growing community at various stages of their life.
The image below shows the extent of the Bowral South NLA, which is situated at the intersection of Eridge Park Road and Kangaloon Road and is bound by the Wingecarribee River to the south and Bong Bong Picnic Racecourse to the east.
Council received funding from the Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) and is working with Maker ENG to prepare a Master Plan and Servicing Strategy for the Bowral South NLA. The aim of the Master Plan is to provide new dwellings, a village centre associated community facilities and required infrastructure to meet the housing needs of our growing community.
what are we hoping to achieve?
The Master Plan will form the basis of site-specific Development Control Plan, to ensure that new development is in keeping with the community’s expectations and respects local character. The Servicing Strategy will provide us with the infrastructure costs required to provide the new residential area with appropriate, best practice and practical infrastructure provisions. Please see the Document Library for relevant background information.
How can I participate?
Council is running two Community Consultation workshops to inform the Bowral South New Living Area Master Plan. With the community's help, Council aims to develop a master plan that recognises and responds to the needs of our growing community in a sustainable way. There are a couple of ways you can be involved!
Read through the consultation documents in the Document Library
Share your thoughts via a short online survey
Register your interest here, to attend the Community Design Workshops, if you are available on Saturday, 28 October and 11 November, by 20 October 2023.
The Community Design Workshops
The aim of the two sessions is to workshop the Urban Design Principles with the participants. We anticipate having participants who represent a span of community interests. So if being a part of this project sounds like something that you would like to be involved in and you’re available on both Saturday 28 October and 11 November 2023 between 9am-12pm, we encourage you to complete the Expression of Interest (EOI) form by 20 October 2023 to attend.
As there is limited capacity, participants will be selected based on their responses to the EOI form and notified by 24 October 2023 if they have been chosen. Please ensure that you provide accurate contact details for us to be able to get in touch with you. There will be further opportunities for you to be involved in this project as it progresses.
In order for majority of the community to participate, workshops are scheduled to take place for three hours (9am-12pm) on Saturday 28 October 2023 and Saturday 11 November 2023 each day, at the Henrietta Rose Room (Old Town Hall), 16-24 Bendooley Street, Bowral.
What will the workshop involve?
The first workshop on the 28th of October, will be based on working on the Urban Design Principles, which will form the basis of the Bowral South NLA Master Plan. The participants will be seated in four tables, each with a theme. The participants will be asked to provide input either through notes or drawings over an aerial base map. There will be a dedicated scribe from Council/consultant on each table. This will be a place-based workshop, and participants will be given 5-20 minutes for each theme. Participants will then move from theme to theme, giving an opportunity to each participant to have say about all the themes. The four themes that are being considered are:
Connections and access
Green spaces and corridors
Residential densities and dwelling types
The second workshop on the 11th of November, will have all the input from the first workshop reported back to the same group of participants. An explanation about how that information was used to inform the draft master plan, and the high-level draft master plan will be presented during the workshop.
The participants will then be asked to score whether they agree with how the feedback has been applied and the draft master plan.
For further information or if you would like to speak to a Council Representative please call 02 4846 0888 or email