Draft Operational Plan 2021/22 including Budget
This public exhibtion has concluded and the opportunity to make submissions has closed. A report about the submissions received was tabled at the 23 June 2021 Council meeting. View agenda and minutes at www.wsc.nsw.gov.au/Council/Council-Meeting-Minutes-Agendas
We want to hear what you think of our plans for 2021/22
Wingecarribee Shire Council’s draft Operational Plan 2021/22 including Budget, Revenue Policy and Fees and Charges is a key document outlining our budget and proposed activities for the year ahead. It's now on public exhibition and we'd like to hear your thoughts.
Please take some time to look through it and consider our proposed programs and projects, as well as the continued significant investment in asset maintenance and renewal works across the shire.
The draft Operational Plan outlines the projects, programs and activities that Council is proposing to undertake throughout the 2021/22 financial year to address the actions set in our Delivery Program 2017-22.
The draft Operational Plan 2021/22 currently on exhibition includes:
- information about specific projects and programs set for the financial year
- Council’s annual Budget
- Revenue Policy
- Fees and Charges
- a Capital Works Program outlining significant investment in asset maintenance, asset renewal and new asset works across the Shire.
Council’s Delivery Program 2017-2022 and draft Operational Plan 2021/22 have been developed in response to the Community Strategic Plan Wingecarribee 2031.
LEARN MORE: Visit the document library to view all associated information. We have provided some answers in Frequently Asked Questions but you can also ask a question below.
Make a formal submission by 9am Friday 11 June 2021 via the submission form below, email mail@wsc.nsw.gov.au or via PO Box 141, Moss Vale 2577. All submissions will be considered by Council prior to the adoption of plans.
Documents are on exhibition from 14 May 2021. Submissions will close at 9am on Friday 11 June 2021.
Registration is required if you wish to submit feedback or ask a question. Your privacy is protected and it's quick and easy to register and contribute anonymously with a username of your choice.