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Let’s chat about medium density residential development in the Shire!
Council have been undertaking a major review of its medium density residential controls to support greater housing diversity to meet the changing needs of our community and ensure that medium density development respects local character and is in keeping with the community’s expectations.
New Medium Density Residential Development Controls are currently on public exhibition and this will be open from Wednesday 1st March to Friday 31st March 2023.
During this time Council are calling for the community and industry representatives to be involved in shaping the development controls for existing medium density in the Shire and there are three ways you can get involved…
LEARN MORE: The draft Medium Density Controls may be viewed via the Document Library and a hard copy of the documents have also been made available at Council’s Customer Service Counter, Civic Centre, 68 Elizabeth Street Moss Vale NSW 2577, between 8:30am and 4:30pm Monday to Friday during each week of the exhibition period.
COMMUNITY AND INDUSTRY CONSULTATION: If you are interested in learning more about how to achieve good design outcomes and to also have a chat about how the new controls will support greater housing diversity to meet the changing needs of our Shire, please come along to the Community and Industry consultation session, which is being held in the Theatrette – Civic Centre, Moss Vale on Thursday 16th March 2023 between 5:00 – 6:30pm. Registrations are essential and can be made by clicking here.
MAKE A SUBMISSION: Written submissions may be completed via our Submission Form or hand delivered to the Civic Centre at the address provided above, emailed to, or posted to Wingecarribee Shire Council, PO Box 141, Moss Vale NSW 2577.
Only written submissions can be considered and, although they may be viewed by a third party, they are redacted beforehand (i.e. all identifying features removed). All submissions must be received by Council before 4.30pm on Friday 31st March 2023.
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Thank you again to everyone who has been involved in the review of the medium density residential controls so far.
This update is just to let you know that the draft medium density controls are being presented to the Wingecarribee Local Planning Panel on the 25th January 2023. The Meeting will commence at 9.00am and will be livestreamed via our website.
The purpose of the report is to seek the endorsement of the draft controls provisions to proceed to public exhibition. Following this, the draft will be tabled at the February Ordinary Council Meeting which is being held on the 15th February 2023.
It is important to note that this does not mean that the draft controls are being adopted, just seeking endorsement for public exhibition. Details around the exhibition period and how to provide feedback will be communicated in the near future.
The Planning Panel agenda and attachments are currently available on our website which can be accessed here.
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Are you interested in helping shape the development controls for low density residential development throughout the Shire?
Council is undertaking a review of the development controls that apply to low density residential development within the Wingecarribee Shire. The review aims to provide a clear planning framework that is easy to use, understand and implement, to assist in streamlining the assessment and approval process without undermining the local character of our towns and villages. The review focuses solely on the low density housing controls contained within the Wingecarribee Development Control Plans and is not considering population growth generally, new zoning opportunities, housing needs / affordability or the desired future character of our towns and villages.
Council are holding a number of community/industry consultation sessions for this project on 28 July 2022, between 11 am-6 pm. The purpose of this round of consultation is to hold targeted focus groups, on development controls in the low-density controls section of the DCP (Development Control Plans) only. If you think this is something you might be interested in, please register your interest using one of the links below, and complete the survey by responding to the questions, by Friday 15 July 2022. Focus groups will last approximately one hour.
The make-up of the targeted focus groups will seek to represent a wide span of community/industry interests. As there is limited capacity, you will be advised by 20 July 2022, if you have been selected to be a part of the targeted focus groups for this consultation round, based on the responses to the survey questions. Please ensure that you provide accurate contact details for us to be able to contact you. There will be further opportunities for you to be involved in this project as it progresses.
If you are a community member, please register your interest here, and complete the survey by responding to the questions.
If you are an industry personnel, please register your interest here, and complete the survey by responding to the questions.
Please note that this survey will close on Friday 15 July 2002.
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Are you interested in helping shape the development controls for Medium Density Residential Development throughout the Shire?
Council are undertaking a major review of its medium density residential controls and are calling for community and industry representatives to be involved in this important project. If this review sounds like something that you would be interested in please come along to the first Community and Industry consultation session, which is being held in the Theatrette - Civic Centre, Moss Vale on Tuesday 21 June between 4-6 pm. Please register your details here.
This project is being completed with the support and funding assistance of the NSW Government and Planning Delivery Unit.
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Consultation with the community and industry for the review of the Low Density Residential Controls is expected to be held in July with key dates and times to be communicated in the near future. If this sounds like something that you would like to be a part of please make sure that your contact details are up to date and/or register your details via the Your Say Wingecarribee page, as this will be the main location for all future communications.