Station Street Renewal

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Consultation has concluded

Council is proposing to carry out renewal works along Station Street in Bowral. The proposed works include construction of new road pavement, new watermain, kerb and gutter renewal, footpath improvements and the inclusion of new car parking spaces.

The Station Street Renewal project has been broken into smaller sub-projects including replacing the watermain, renewing the footpath, constructing the carpark and preserving the Camellia garden.

By breaking the project into smaller components our crews will be able to minimise disruption to businesses, residents and traffic.

Station Street Renewal Budget

  • Water relocation and asbestos pipe-removal - $800,000
  • Pavement rehabilitation - $2,500,000
  • Southern Car Park - $500,000
  • Southern Storm Water Drainage Works - $1,000,000
  • Camelia Garden - $300,000
  • Station Street Car Park North - $40,000 (Design) TfNSW to fund


The proposed works will be staged with the following timelines (weather permitting):

  • South Station Street Drainage Improvements – May 2022 to September 2022
  • New watermain – July 2022 to September 2022
  • North Station Street Pavement and associated upgrades – September 2022 to November 2022
  • Carparking extension – Financial year 2033/23

While Council will endeavour to minimise local traffic impacts, some disruptions may at times be unavoidable. We thank motorists and business owners for their understanding and apologise for any temporary inconvenience.

For further information and updates visit

Council is proposing to carry out renewal works along Station Street in Bowral. The proposed works include construction of new road pavement, new watermain, kerb and gutter renewal, footpath improvements and the inclusion of new car parking spaces.

The Station Street Renewal project has been broken into smaller sub-projects including replacing the watermain, renewing the footpath, constructing the carpark and preserving the Camellia garden.

By breaking the project into smaller components our crews will be able to minimise disruption to businesses, residents and traffic.

Station Street Renewal Budget

  • Water relocation and asbestos pipe-removal - $800,000
  • Pavement rehabilitation - $2,500,000
  • Southern Car Park - $500,000
  • Southern Storm Water Drainage Works - $1,000,000
  • Camelia Garden - $300,000
  • Station Street Car Park North - $40,000 (Design) TfNSW to fund


The proposed works will be staged with the following timelines (weather permitting):

  • South Station Street Drainage Improvements – May 2022 to September 2022
  • New watermain – July 2022 to September 2022
  • North Station Street Pavement and associated upgrades – September 2022 to November 2022
  • Carparking extension – Financial year 2033/23

While Council will endeavour to minimise local traffic impacts, some disruptions may at times be unavoidable. We thank motorists and business owners for their understanding and apologise for any temporary inconvenience.

For further information and updates visit

Consultation has concluded

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  • Share Hi team - is there an update on these works? We are in mid-April with no obvious works commencing and Station St is an absolute mess. I’m sure local residents would love to know when Station St is safe to drive down again… on Facebook Share Hi team - is there an update on these works? We are in mid-April with no obvious works commencing and Station St is an absolute mess. I’m sure local residents would love to know when Station St is safe to drive down again… on Twitter Share Hi team - is there an update on these works? We are in mid-April with no obvious works commencing and Station St is an absolute mess. I’m sure local residents would love to know when Station St is safe to drive down again… on Linkedin Email Hi team - is there an update on these works? We are in mid-April with no obvious works commencing and Station St is an absolute mess. I’m sure local residents would love to know when Station St is safe to drive down again… link

    Hi team - is there an update on these works? We are in mid-April with no obvious works commencing and Station St is an absolute mess. I’m sure local residents would love to know when Station St is safe to drive down again…

    mrdavidholt asked over 2 years ago

    Thank you for your enquiry. 

    There is a substantial amount of planning and preparation work going on at Council for the many packages of works to be undertaken on Station St. The contract for the watermain renewal works has been awarded and this will commence in May. The tender for the drainage works on the southern end of Station St is to go the next Council meeting in April with the expected start of works late May. The first stage of the camellia garden works is to start late April. As previously outlined, the kerb and gutter, footpath, and road pavement works will commence in August with preconstruction and design works well underway at the moment. The community will receive notification as each package of works are about to commence.

  • Share Noting the previous question (and answer) on a future bike path along Station St, will there be opportunity to move the on-street parking on the west side of Station St into the new carparks and use this street space for a bicycle path or shared path to the station? on Facebook Share Noting the previous question (and answer) on a future bike path along Station St, will there be opportunity to move the on-street parking on the west side of Station St into the new carparks and use this street space for a bicycle path or shared path to the station? on Twitter Share Noting the previous question (and answer) on a future bike path along Station St, will there be opportunity to move the on-street parking on the west side of Station St into the new carparks and use this street space for a bicycle path or shared path to the station? on Linkedin Email Noting the previous question (and answer) on a future bike path along Station St, will there be opportunity to move the on-street parking on the west side of Station St into the new carparks and use this street space for a bicycle path or shared path to the station? link

    Noting the previous question (and answer) on a future bike path along Station St, will there be opportunity to move the on-street parking on the west side of Station St into the new carparks and use this street space for a bicycle path or shared path to the station?

    Alison D asked over 2 years ago

    The scope of this project does not remove on-street parking at the southern end of Station Street. Council can however consider on-street cycle facilities in future active transport planning.

  • Share A logical solution to this proposal would be to make Bong Bong Street one way and Ststion Tiad one way in the opposite direction. Car parks etc still upgraded but the traffic flow would ease considerably on Facebook Share A logical solution to this proposal would be to make Bong Bong Street one way and Ststion Tiad one way in the opposite direction. Car parks etc still upgraded but the traffic flow would ease considerably on Twitter Share A logical solution to this proposal would be to make Bong Bong Street one way and Ststion Tiad one way in the opposite direction. Car parks etc still upgraded but the traffic flow would ease considerably on Linkedin Email A logical solution to this proposal would be to make Bong Bong Street one way and Ststion Tiad one way in the opposite direction. Car parks etc still upgraded but the traffic flow would ease considerably link

    A logical solution to this proposal would be to make Bong Bong Street one way and Ststion Tiad one way in the opposite direction. Car parks etc still upgraded but the traffic flow would ease considerably

    Bill Bowral Ratepayer asked over 2 years ago

    Council’s Traffic Engineer has carried out traffic modelling on various options in Bowral, one-way traffic flow was one of these options. One-way traffic flow was not found to be a feasible option for Station Street.

  • Share Will there be any improvements made in the future to the actual railway crossing/overpass? The congestion at that location in morning peak periods coming from Berrima direction is atrocious. It is no use continuing on towards Mittagong, because the congestion at the other rail crossing is even worse, regardless of the direction you wish to turn into. on Facebook Share Will there be any improvements made in the future to the actual railway crossing/overpass? The congestion at that location in morning peak periods coming from Berrima direction is atrocious. It is no use continuing on towards Mittagong, because the congestion at the other rail crossing is even worse, regardless of the direction you wish to turn into. on Twitter Share Will there be any improvements made in the future to the actual railway crossing/overpass? The congestion at that location in morning peak periods coming from Berrima direction is atrocious. It is no use continuing on towards Mittagong, because the congestion at the other rail crossing is even worse, regardless of the direction you wish to turn into. on Linkedin Email Will there be any improvements made in the future to the actual railway crossing/overpass? The congestion at that location in morning peak periods coming from Berrima direction is atrocious. It is no use continuing on towards Mittagong, because the congestion at the other rail crossing is even worse, regardless of the direction you wish to turn into. link

    Will there be any improvements made in the future to the actual railway crossing/overpass? The congestion at that location in morning peak periods coming from Berrima direction is atrocious. It is no use continuing on towards Mittagong, because the congestion at the other rail crossing is even worse, regardless of the direction you wish to turn into.

    Rudy asked over 2 years ago

    Council understands that traffic around the rail bridge is a problem. There are no immediate plans to provide any improvements to this, however Council will be investigating options in the future to improve traffic flows in Bowral and that could include the duplication of the rail bridge.

  • Share The southern end of station Street would be improved with a path on the railway side connecting the rail cross and railway parade. This would form part of a sign posted bike path from Bowral shops to MV shops, via kirkham Rd. on Facebook Share The southern end of station Street would be improved with a path on the railway side connecting the rail cross and railway parade. This would form part of a sign posted bike path from Bowral shops to MV shops, via kirkham Rd. on Twitter Share The southern end of station Street would be improved with a path on the railway side connecting the rail cross and railway parade. This would form part of a sign posted bike path from Bowral shops to MV shops, via kirkham Rd. on Linkedin Email The southern end of station Street would be improved with a path on the railway side connecting the rail cross and railway parade. This would form part of a sign posted bike path from Bowral shops to MV shops, via kirkham Rd. link

    The southern end of station Street would be improved with a path on the railway side connecting the rail cross and railway parade. This would form part of a sign posted bike path from Bowral shops to MV shops, via kirkham Rd.

    Nick72 asked over 2 years ago

    The current scope of works for the Station Street project does not include cycling facilities, however a footpath will be constructed on the western side of Station when the new car park at the southern end of Station St is constructed. Council thanks you for your suggestion and will investigate this for possible future works.

  • Share Who is responsible for the railway computer car park next to the station. This car park is dangerous for all people of all ages. Pot holes & state of car park should be reported to health & safety. Impossible for elderly people to navigate at any time day & night. on Facebook Share Who is responsible for the railway computer car park next to the station. This car park is dangerous for all people of all ages. Pot holes & state of car park should be reported to health & safety. Impossible for elderly people to navigate at any time day & night. on Twitter Share Who is responsible for the railway computer car park next to the station. This car park is dangerous for all people of all ages. Pot holes & state of car park should be reported to health & safety. Impossible for elderly people to navigate at any time day & night. on Linkedin Email Who is responsible for the railway computer car park next to the station. This car park is dangerous for all people of all ages. Pot holes & state of car park should be reported to health & safety. Impossible for elderly people to navigate at any time day & night. link

    Who is responsible for the railway computer car park next to the station. This car park is dangerous for all people of all ages. Pot holes & state of car park should be reported to health & safety. Impossible for elderly people to navigate at any time day & night.

    Jennifer Devenny asked over 2 years ago

    The railway commuter car park is owned and maintained by Sydney Trains. Council is currently working with Sydney Trains to have the car park reconstructed, providing a safe and accessible parking area. The car park will be upgraded to include resurfacing from the southern most entrance, to the first exit. This upgrade is scheduled to be carried out with the majority of Station Street works in September 2022.