Aquatic Facilities

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The 2018 surveys have closed but check out the document library to see what everyone said!

Council is seeking feedback from the community on the public aquatic facilities provided in the Southern Highlands.

Two surveys are available:

This is your chance to rate your satisfaction with current levels of service, programs on offer and facilities. We'd also like to hear your ideas for continuing to improve these services.

Get involved!

Your responses will be used to identify what areas we should focus on with regard to programming, service levels and facility improvements.

All responses will be recorded for reporting to Council however personal details will not be included and confidentiality will be maintained.

Council is seeking feedback from the community on the public aquatic facilities provided in the Southern Highlands.

Two surveys are available:

This is your chance to rate your satisfaction with current levels of service, programs on offer and facilities. We'd also like to hear your ideas for continuing to improve these services.

Get involved!

Your responses will be used to identify what areas we should focus on with regard to programming, service levels and facility improvements.

All responses will be recorded for reporting to Council however personal details will not be included and confidentiality will be maintained.

The 2018 surveys have closed but check out the document library to see what everyone said!

Got a question for us?  Fire away!

You can ask these publicly or privately, it's up to you. Public questions will be posted on this website for others to see and note our response. If you prefer that our response to you is kept private then please mention this in your message to us. Alternatively email

  • Share Interested to find out how work on the Mittagong pool is progressing. Believe that it will be open for the 2018/9 season. on Facebook Share Interested to find out how work on the Mittagong pool is progressing. Believe that it will be open for the 2018/9 season. on Twitter Share Interested to find out how work on the Mittagong pool is progressing. Believe that it will be open for the 2018/9 season. on Linkedin Email Interested to find out how work on the Mittagong pool is progressing. Believe that it will be open for the 2018/9 season. link

    Interested to find out how work on the Mittagong pool is progressing. Believe that it will be open for the 2018/9 season.

    V0275My65 asked over 6 years ago

    Hi there, thanks for checking in about progress at the Mittagong Pool.

    Work is underway to replace the pool floor.

    Additional work is now needed on the main plant room as a result of a fire in the water polo shed. The team is determining the scope of this at the moment.

    The project is on schedule for re-opening in time for the 2018/19 pool season.


    Your Say Wingecarribee

  • Share Sorry about the question I asked about what year Mittagong Pool would be reopened your answer was 2018 . Did you mean this summer or next summer of 2018 on Facebook Share Sorry about the question I asked about what year Mittagong Pool would be reopened your answer was 2018 . Did you mean this summer or next summer of 2018 on Twitter Share Sorry about the question I asked about what year Mittagong Pool would be reopened your answer was 2018 . Did you mean this summer or next summer of 2018 on Linkedin Email Sorry about the question I asked about what year Mittagong Pool would be reopened your answer was 2018 . Did you mean this summer or next summer of 2018 link

    Sorry about the question I asked about what year Mittagong Pool would be reopened your answer was 2018 . Did you mean this summer or next summer of 2018

    Dennis Robertson asked over 6 years ago

    Hi Dennis, we were referring to the 2018/19 swimming season, so next summer.

    Regards, Your Say Wingecarribee

  • Share 1.What year will the Mittagong Pool be reopened , this has been a total disgrace by Wingecarribee Shire Council just gone on for to long . on Facebook Share 1.What year will the Mittagong Pool be reopened , this has been a total disgrace by Wingecarribee Shire Council just gone on for to long . on Twitter Share 1.What year will the Mittagong Pool be reopened , this has been a total disgrace by Wingecarribee Shire Council just gone on for to long . on Linkedin Email 1.What year will the Mittagong Pool be reopened , this has been a total disgrace by Wingecarribee Shire Council just gone on for to long . link

    1.What year will the Mittagong Pool be reopened , this has been a total disgrace by Wingecarribee Shire Council just gone on for to long .

    Dennis Robertson asked over 6 years ago

    Hi Dennis,

    Thanks for the question. Contractors are currently repairing the Mittagong Pool and are on track to have the centre functioning for 2018 swimming season.


    Your Say Wingecarribee

  • Share Would like to know if Council expects Mittagong Pool to be open at the start of Summer 2018? on Facebook Share Would like to know if Council expects Mittagong Pool to be open at the start of Summer 2018? on Twitter Share Would like to know if Council expects Mittagong Pool to be open at the start of Summer 2018? on Linkedin Email Would like to know if Council expects Mittagong Pool to be open at the start of Summer 2018? link

    Would like to know if Council expects Mittagong Pool to be open at the start of Summer 2018?

    Beth G asked over 6 years ago

    Hi Beth, 

    Thanks for the question. Contractors are currently repairing the Mittagong Pool and are on track to have the centre functioning for 2018 swimming season.


    Your Say Wingecarribee

  • Share Why don’t we have a healthy cafe at bowral pool, operated by an independant operator, serving fruit salad, espresso and healthy food as does Bondi icebergs? An undercover area for aerobic and yoga classes for the community within this facility would make the space a year round facility that utilised an otherwise empty car park and other facilities at the entrance to the town. By making healthy options affordable and beautiful, we create a happier community, where people get out of their house, on their bikes and do yoga or have a healthy bite. An upgrade of the facilities exterior that was more sensitive to ‘the highland aesthetic’ would no doubt attract more visitors to also use our public facilities. on Facebook Share Why don’t we have a healthy cafe at bowral pool, operated by an independant operator, serving fruit salad, espresso and healthy food as does Bondi icebergs? An undercover area for aerobic and yoga classes for the community within this facility would make the space a year round facility that utilised an otherwise empty car park and other facilities at the entrance to the town. By making healthy options affordable and beautiful, we create a happier community, where people get out of their house, on their bikes and do yoga or have a healthy bite. An upgrade of the facilities exterior that was more sensitive to ‘the highland aesthetic’ would no doubt attract more visitors to also use our public facilities. on Twitter Share Why don’t we have a healthy cafe at bowral pool, operated by an independant operator, serving fruit salad, espresso and healthy food as does Bondi icebergs? An undercover area for aerobic and yoga classes for the community within this facility would make the space a year round facility that utilised an otherwise empty car park and other facilities at the entrance to the town. By making healthy options affordable and beautiful, we create a happier community, where people get out of their house, on their bikes and do yoga or have a healthy bite. An upgrade of the facilities exterior that was more sensitive to ‘the highland aesthetic’ would no doubt attract more visitors to also use our public facilities. on Linkedin Email Why don’t we have a healthy cafe at bowral pool, operated by an independant operator, serving fruit salad, espresso and healthy food as does Bondi icebergs? An undercover area for aerobic and yoga classes for the community within this facility would make the space a year round facility that utilised an otherwise empty car park and other facilities at the entrance to the town. By making healthy options affordable and beautiful, we create a happier community, where people get out of their house, on their bikes and do yoga or have a healthy bite. An upgrade of the facilities exterior that was more sensitive to ‘the highland aesthetic’ would no doubt attract more visitors to also use our public facilities. link

    Why don’t we have a healthy cafe at bowral pool, operated by an independant operator, serving fruit salad, espresso and healthy food as does Bondi icebergs? An undercover area for aerobic and yoga classes for the community within this facility would make the space a year round facility that utilised an otherwise empty car park and other facilities at the entrance to the town. By making healthy options affordable and beautiful, we create a happier community, where people get out of their house, on their bikes and do yoga or have a healthy bite. An upgrade of the facilities exterior that was more sensitive to ‘the highland aesthetic’ would no doubt attract more visitors to also use our public facilities.

    Zoe asked over 6 years ago

    Hi Zoe,

    Thanks for sharing your fab ideas. They have now been passed onto the team responsible for  aquatic services and facilities. 

    If you haven't already done so please complete one of the surveys to provide feedback.


    Your Say Wingecarribee