Recreational Walking Tracks
Public exhibition of the draft strategy concluded on 21 September 2020. Council adopted the Walking Tracks Strategy on 25 November 2020 - see for the associated report or check out the final version in the Document Library.
Council is currently seeking feedback on a Draft Walking Tracks Strategy.
The purpose of the Draft Walking Tracks Strategy is to provide a framework for the management, enhancement and on-going maintenance of recreational walking tracks on Council owned or managed land within the Wingecarribee Shire. It also identifies a cohesive track network that offers active and challenging recreational experiences encompassing the Shire’s diverse and distinctive landscapes.
The Draft Strategy provides guidance on the walking tracks at 16 Council owned or managed bushland reserves with authorised walking tracks. It identifies and categorises walking track difficulty level, along with a comprehensive strategy and action plan for future works.
Background research, on-ground trail auditing, mapping and extensive stakeholder consultation was completed earlier in 2020 which has informed development of the draft now exhibited.
Did we get it right?
Have your say on our Draft Walking Tracks Strategy by 9am Monday 21 September 2020.
- Check out the Council report and Draft Walking Tracks Strategy in the document library
- Complete an online submission form
- Ask us a question below or contact the Assets - Parks & Buildings team on 02 4868 0888
Public exhibition of the draft strategy concluded on 21 September 2020. Council adopted the Walking Tracks Strategy on 25 November 2020 - see for the associated report or check out the final version in the Document Library.