Waste Service Review
This consultation has concluded and the opportunity to complete a survey has closed. The survey was open from Friday 29 March to Tuesday 23 April 2019 inclusive. Learn more in NEWS.
Share your thoughts about waste
Our crucial waste management service is now the focus of a survey.
The survey is being undertaken as part of a service delivery review* and incorporates a range of topics related to waste management including:
- kerbside collection
- waste disposal and management
- recycling
- litter and illegal dumping
- resource recovery centre
- information and education
Have your say about the current performance and future direction of the waste services provided by Council.
COMPLETE THE SURVEY by Tuesday 23 April 2019.
As an incentive for devoting 15 minutes of your time we are offering you the chance to win one of three $100 Mastercard Gift Cards. Terms and conditions apply.
For further information contact Council’s Corporate Strategy Project Officer on phone 4868 0888 or use the 'Ask a Question' tool below.
*To ensure Wingecarribee Shire Council delivers services which are in line with community expectations a comprehensive program reviewing all Council services is ongoing. www.wsc.nsw.gov.au/local-government-reform
This consultation has concluded and the opportunity to complete a survey has closed. The survey was open from Friday 29 March to Tuesday 23 April 2019 inclusive. Learn more in NEWS.