Willow Vale Bridge

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The timber bridge over the old railway line at Willow Vale has reached the end of its serviceable life and needs to be replaced. Council is taking advantage of this work to upgrade access to the Old Hume Highway.

Council has been lobbying for bridge replacement and access improvements in Willow Vale for some time now and we are very pleased to have construction scheduled for 2016.

A new bridge was recently constructed by John Holland Rail, on behalf of Transport for NSW, to the side of the existing timber bridge.

Upon completion of the bridge Council will be re-aligning Railway Terrace and installing traffic signals (pending final approval of the RMS to detailed design) to form a 4-way intersection with Crimea Street and the Old Hume Highway. This work will provide intersection safety improvements.

The signals will cater for pedestrian crossings and paths will be provided on the bridge, connecting it to the Willow Vale - Mittagong shared path and Renwick Drive signals.

Funding for the bridge work has been provided by Transport for NSW and is being administered by John Holland Rail. The roadworks, including traffic signals, shared paths, foot paths and bus bays are being designed, constructed and funded by Council.

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To learn more about this project:

The timber bridge over the old railway line at Willow Vale has reached the end of its serviceable life and needs to be replaced. Council is taking advantage of this work to upgrade access to the Old Hume Highway.

Council has been lobbying for bridge replacement and access improvements in Willow Vale for some time now and we are very pleased to have construction scheduled for 2016.

A new bridge was recently constructed by John Holland Rail, on behalf of Transport for NSW, to the side of the existing timber bridge.

Upon completion of the bridge Council will be re-aligning Railway Terrace and installing traffic signals (pending final approval of the RMS to detailed design) to form a 4-way intersection with Crimea Street and the Old Hume Highway. This work will provide intersection safety improvements.

The signals will cater for pedestrian crossings and paths will be provided on the bridge, connecting it to the Willow Vale - Mittagong shared path and Renwick Drive signals.

Funding for the bridge work has been provided by Transport for NSW and is being administered by John Holland Rail. The roadworks, including traffic signals, shared paths, foot paths and bus bays are being designed, constructed and funded by Council.

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This project has concluded

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You can ask these publicly or privately, it's up to you. Public questions will be posted on this website for others to see and note our response. If you prefer that our response to you is kept private then please mention this in your message to us. Alternatively email mail@wsc.nsw.gov.au

  • Share Hi! Just wondering why the new bridge is so much higher than the last one? Are trains expected to use it? Thanks. on Facebook Share Hi! Just wondering why the new bridge is so much higher than the last one? Are trains expected to use it? Thanks. on Twitter Share Hi! Just wondering why the new bridge is so much higher than the last one? Are trains expected to use it? Thanks. on Linkedin Email Hi! Just wondering why the new bridge is so much higher than the last one? Are trains expected to use it? Thanks. link

    Hi! Just wondering why the new bridge is so much higher than the last one? Are trains expected to use it? Thanks.

    Snix asked over 7 years ago

    Hi there, thanks for the question.

    Whilst trains have not operated on the line for over a year, the line is still deemed active and we understand that Transport for NSW have no intention of closing the rail corridor.

    There are a few reasons that the new bridge is a lot higher than the old one:

    • Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) who place operational standards over that railway line require a 5.5m rail height clearance for trains to operate on the rail line. The old bridge had a 4.6m rail height clearance.
    • The structure of the new bridge is a lot thicker than the old timber bridge, therefore also increasing the height of the new bridge. Transport for NSW were responsible for this design and construction was completed by their contractor John Holland Rail.
    • The Australian standards for road design also require greater vertical curves than the old design practices, resulting in an increase in the height of the finished road surface.

    All these factors have contributed to the higher finished road surface height.

    For further information about use of the rail line you could contact Transport NSW. The following webpage provides contact details http://www.freight.transport.nsw.gov.au/about/contact-us


    Your Say Wingecarribee

  • Share Can you confirm that we will be able to make right-hand turns, from Willow Vale, over the new bridge on to the highway heading into Mittagong? on Facebook Share Can you confirm that we will be able to make right-hand turns, from Willow Vale, over the new bridge on to the highway heading into Mittagong? on Twitter Share Can you confirm that we will be able to make right-hand turns, from Willow Vale, over the new bridge on to the highway heading into Mittagong? on Linkedin Email Can you confirm that we will be able to make right-hand turns, from Willow Vale, over the new bridge on to the highway heading into Mittagong? link

    Can you confirm that we will be able to make right-hand turns, from Willow Vale, over the new bridge on to the highway heading into Mittagong?

    D asked over 7 years ago

    Thanks for the question. You will indeed be able to make right-hand turns, from the bridge and onto the Old Hume Highway, in order to travel into Mittagong. This manoeuvre will be aided by the traffic lights.


    Your Say Wingecarribee

  • Share As there is currently a weight limit on the old bridge, Is there going to be a weight limit set for Railway Terrace and Orient Street as this will become a main thoroughfare for trucks using the traffic lights to turn south instead of currently Braemar Avenue where it can take some time to turn right onto the highway. If there is no weight limit this would increase the danger to pedestrians (no foot paths) and road maintenance costs would also increase. on Facebook Share As there is currently a weight limit on the old bridge, Is there going to be a weight limit set for Railway Terrace and Orient Street as this will become a main thoroughfare for trucks using the traffic lights to turn south instead of currently Braemar Avenue where it can take some time to turn right onto the highway. If there is no weight limit this would increase the danger to pedestrians (no foot paths) and road maintenance costs would also increase. on Twitter Share As there is currently a weight limit on the old bridge, Is there going to be a weight limit set for Railway Terrace and Orient Street as this will become a main thoroughfare for trucks using the traffic lights to turn south instead of currently Braemar Avenue where it can take some time to turn right onto the highway. If there is no weight limit this would increase the danger to pedestrians (no foot paths) and road maintenance costs would also increase. on Linkedin Email As there is currently a weight limit on the old bridge, Is there going to be a weight limit set for Railway Terrace and Orient Street as this will become a main thoroughfare for trucks using the traffic lights to turn south instead of currently Braemar Avenue where it can take some time to turn right onto the highway. If there is no weight limit this would increase the danger to pedestrians (no foot paths) and road maintenance costs would also increase. link

    As there is currently a weight limit on the old bridge, Is there going to be a weight limit set for Railway Terrace and Orient Street as this will become a main thoroughfare for trucks using the traffic lights to turn south instead of currently Braemar Avenue where it can take some time to turn right onto the highway. If there is no weight limit this would increase the danger to pedestrians (no foot paths) and road maintenance costs would also increase.

    sd1 asked almost 8 years ago

    Thanks for your question. There will be no load limit on the new bridge however staff have been investigating the installation of a temporary load limit for Railway Terrace and Orient Street until traffic signals are built at the intersection of Braemar Avenue and the Old Hume Highway. 

    If you would like to support the concept of a load limit please write to Council’s Traffic Engineer, Mr Frank Perger via mail@wsc.nsw.gov.au or to PO Box 141, Moss Vale 2577. You will need to provide your name, address and contact details so we can keep you informed about any action undertaken.


    Your Say Wingecarribee

  • Share Out of interest, what is the gradient on the new bridge. I can see a car slipping on black ice into the car in front waiting at the traffic signals, or,worse still, the car waiting being run into by a car,travelling over the bridge, and not breaking in time. A new black spot in the making, created by a possible poor design? on Facebook Share Out of interest, what is the gradient on the new bridge. I can see a car slipping on black ice into the car in front waiting at the traffic signals, or,worse still, the car waiting being run into by a car,travelling over the bridge, and not breaking in time. A new black spot in the making, created by a possible poor design? on Twitter Share Out of interest, what is the gradient on the new bridge. I can see a car slipping on black ice into the car in front waiting at the traffic signals, or,worse still, the car waiting being run into by a car,travelling over the bridge, and not breaking in time. A new black spot in the making, created by a possible poor design? on Linkedin Email Out of interest, what is the gradient on the new bridge. I can see a car slipping on black ice into the car in front waiting at the traffic signals, or,worse still, the car waiting being run into by a car,travelling over the bridge, and not breaking in time. A new black spot in the making, created by a possible poor design? link

    Out of interest, what is the gradient on the new bridge. I can see a car slipping on black ice into the car in front waiting at the traffic signals, or,worse still, the car waiting being run into by a car,travelling over the bridge, and not breaking in time. A new black spot in the making, created by a possible poor design?

    Vulcan5 asked almost 8 years ago

    Hi there, thanks for the question.

    The steep grade from the bridge to the highway has been carefully considered and due to both the clearance over the railway line and the close proximity of the highway, this was the minimum grade that could be achieved. 

    In order to address the safety concerns associated with the steeper grade, the following features have been included:

    • a high friction asphalt road surface,
    • the stop line for the traffic signals being setback from the highway, and 
    • flashing warning signs indicating traffic signals ahead.  

  • Share This bridge and traffic lights will be a great improvement. however I would like to know what possible impact this will have on the streets off Crimea st, Beresford st in particular is an absolute disgrace with a large section of it all gravel, cement fill and pot holes. on Facebook Share This bridge and traffic lights will be a great improvement. however I would like to know what possible impact this will have on the streets off Crimea st, Beresford st in particular is an absolute disgrace with a large section of it all gravel, cement fill and pot holes. on Twitter Share This bridge and traffic lights will be a great improvement. however I would like to know what possible impact this will have on the streets off Crimea st, Beresford st in particular is an absolute disgrace with a large section of it all gravel, cement fill and pot holes. on Linkedin Email This bridge and traffic lights will be a great improvement. however I would like to know what possible impact this will have on the streets off Crimea st, Beresford st in particular is an absolute disgrace with a large section of it all gravel, cement fill and pot holes. link

    This bridge and traffic lights will be a great improvement. however I would like to know what possible impact this will have on the streets off Crimea st, Beresford st in particular is an absolute disgrace with a large section of it all gravel, cement fill and pot holes.

    baldy asked over 8 years ago

    Thanks for your question. 

    Crimea St will be widened at the intersection with the highway to provide a left turn lane and right turn lane onto the highway. The streets coming off Crimea St will not have any work done to them as they are in good condition. Council does not expect a significant increase in traffic on these streets due to the installation of the lights as most of the area has already been developed.

    We are aware that Beresford St needs some work done to bring it up to good condition and we are currently looking into that. 

    If you have any further questions or requests for improved road conditions please email mail@wsc.nsw.gov.au and make sure you subscribe to receive the project newsletter so we can keep you informed of progress or traffic interruptions via email.

  • Share Does the old bridge have any historic value and if so, should it be kept for pedestrians and cyclists? on Facebook Share Does the old bridge have any historic value and if so, should it be kept for pedestrians and cyclists? on Twitter Share Does the old bridge have any historic value and if so, should it be kept for pedestrians and cyclists? on Linkedin Email Does the old bridge have any historic value and if so, should it be kept for pedestrians and cyclists? link

    Does the old bridge have any historic value and if so, should it be kept for pedestrians and cyclists?

    Snix asked over 8 years ago

    Thanks for your question.

    Bridge design assessments found that the bridge was not of any particular historic value and with many examples of similar bridges still around was not deemed unique. We have photographed the bridge from many angles and included close up details.  A copy of these will be forwarded to the Berrima District Historic Society in accordance with a Council resolution.

    The new bridge has been designed to provide a path for cyclists and pedestrians which is separated from traffic and will link to the new traffic signals as well as existing path along the golf course.

  • Share when is this work due for completion??? on Facebook Share when is this work due for completion??? on Twitter Share when is this work due for completion??? on Linkedin Email when is this work due for completion??? link

    when is this work due for completion???

    hondalady asked over 8 years ago

    The John Holland Rail bridge work is due for completion before the end of June 2016. If you need to use this access for any reason or would like to discuss the project further please call Tim Wadling on 4868 0825. We also recommend that you sign up for emailed notifications – click here – to ensure you are kept up to date with the Council part of the work.

    Regards, YourSayWingecarribee