Colo Vale Village Improvements

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Consultation has concluded

Share your ideas to help improve Colo Vale Village.

In August 2021, Wingecarribee Shire Council sold operational land at 42 Banksia Street Colo Vale, the previous site of the Colo Vale Rural Fire Shed.

The net proceeds of the sale have been retained and held for specific future works within the Colo Vale Village. These works are to be identified through consultation with residents of the Colo Vale Community.

Estimated funds available for future works are in the vicinity of $450,000.

Whilst there may not be enough money to undertake everything that is suggested, we would like to engage with the residents to identify the works that the community believes should be a priority.

Some items that have already been identified as possible works include:

  • Dugouts at the baseball field, Jurd Park (estimated cost $25,000)
  • Formalise pavement in the carpark located at the tennis courts and provide a connection from the footpath on the other side of the road (estimated cost $120,000)
  • Upgrade the community building in Jurd Park (estimated cost $50,000)
  • Replace the shelter at Jurd Park tennis courts (estimated cost $15,000)
  • Renew outdoor tables and benches (two) in the park opposite the service station and undertake minor landscaping (estimated cost $50,000)
  • Colo Vale Mens Shed - request for costs to assist with a concrete slab (approx. $28,500), erection of a shed (approx. $15,000) and electrical, plumbing, and sundry works (estimated at $20,000)

How can you get involved, find out more or provide feedback?

  • Face-to-face consultation was held at the Colo Vale Village markets on Saturday 5 March 2022 from 9 am - 12 noon.
  • Vote now - do you like what has been suggested so far?
  • Ideas Board - be a bit creative, share your thoughts and/or images etc to inspire the project team. Comment or like someone else's ideas
  • Submission Form - share your thoughts with the project team
  • Map your idea using text and/or photos
  • Follow the project - see right column

Please note, to participate in the Vote now, Ideas Board, Map or to enter a submission, you will need to be a registered user of Your Say Wingecarribee. Register now! This will also allow us to keep you updated on the project.

We look forward to hearing your suggestions.

Should you have any questions please fill out the “Ask a question” field below and click the submit button. Alternatively, send an email to

Feedback closes 9am Monday 28 March 2022.

Share your ideas to help improve Colo Vale Village.

In August 2021, Wingecarribee Shire Council sold operational land at 42 Banksia Street Colo Vale, the previous site of the Colo Vale Rural Fire Shed.

The net proceeds of the sale have been retained and held for specific future works within the Colo Vale Village. These works are to be identified through consultation with residents of the Colo Vale Community.

Estimated funds available for future works are in the vicinity of $450,000.

Whilst there may not be enough money to undertake everything that is suggested, we would like to engage with the residents to identify the works that the community believes should be a priority.

Some items that have already been identified as possible works include:

  • Dugouts at the baseball field, Jurd Park (estimated cost $25,000)
  • Formalise pavement in the carpark located at the tennis courts and provide a connection from the footpath on the other side of the road (estimated cost $120,000)
  • Upgrade the community building in Jurd Park (estimated cost $50,000)
  • Replace the shelter at Jurd Park tennis courts (estimated cost $15,000)
  • Renew outdoor tables and benches (two) in the park opposite the service station and undertake minor landscaping (estimated cost $50,000)
  • Colo Vale Mens Shed - request for costs to assist with a concrete slab (approx. $28,500), erection of a shed (approx. $15,000) and electrical, plumbing, and sundry works (estimated at $20,000)

How can you get involved, find out more or provide feedback?

  • Face-to-face consultation was held at the Colo Vale Village markets on Saturday 5 March 2022 from 9 am - 12 noon.
  • Vote now - do you like what has been suggested so far?
  • Ideas Board - be a bit creative, share your thoughts and/or images etc to inspire the project team. Comment or like someone else's ideas
  • Submission Form - share your thoughts with the project team
  • Map your idea using text and/or photos
  • Follow the project - see right column

Please note, to participate in the Vote now, Ideas Board, Map or to enter a submission, you will need to be a registered user of Your Say Wingecarribee. Register now! This will also allow us to keep you updated on the project.

We look forward to hearing your suggestions.

Should you have any questions please fill out the “Ask a question” field below and click the submit button. Alternatively, send an email to

Feedback closes 9am Monday 28 March 2022.

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Map your idea

over 2 years

Drop a pin and share your feedback on our interactive map

We invite you to add your comments, views and ideas for Colo Vale Village improvements, to this interactive map. Simply drop a pin on the location you wish to comment on and type your feedback. 

Click "Go to map" to get started.

How to drop a pin:

1. Zoom into the area you want to drop a pin using the + or - icons at the bottom right of your screen

2. Click on 'Add pin' (see the + button on the left hand side) and drag the pin to the map

3. Add your comment (you can also add an image)

4. Hit 'submit'

5. Repeat until you have dropped as many pins as you want!

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.